Thursday, July 15, 2010

Confessions of a lazy mother...

As a new mother the only thing more precious to me than sleep is my little one. Sleep is SOOO important, and every new mother is lacking it.

So my solution to this age old problem the past 2 months has been to place my baby in his bed at night and go to my own shortly thereafter. When he wakes again in need of food or comfort, I tend to his needs by pulling him into bed with me and nursing him if necessary. Then, in theory, I return him back to his bed when his needs are met. The second part of this does not always happen because I am rarely awake when his needs are met and he's ready to be returned to the bed. If it's just the two of us in the bed, I can just move myself or him into a position where I'm more comfortable. With my husband in the bed, it gets a little more tricky cause there's not as much room to play with. I know, you're thinking, why isn't your husband always in bed with you. Well, I was on vacation the past two weeks so Cameron and I quickly became accustomed to having the bed to ourselves. Anyway, the point is, we're still in survival mode when it comes to sleep.

So, for the most part, this has been going ok. Both of our needs for sleep are being met. But he's gone from waking up briefly 2 or 3 times and only needing to nurse for a few minutes, to nursing what seems like half the night. I know, give him a paci dummy- Oh what I wouldn't give for a paci loving baby! He'll take it sometimes-for a minute. But unless I'm holding him against my chest where the paci won't fall out, we both just get frustrated by about the fifth time I have to put it back in his mouth... I know, try a different kind. Can I tell you how many different kinds we have tried? Anyone know of a safe way to keep it from falling out 100 times?

Anyway, I'm sore... and tired... and frustrated. And the worst is that I know I could solve this problem with a little more patience, but I don't have any at night. I think I use it all up during the day. I really am just too lazy to get up out of bed, tend to his needs fully awake, and then put him back in bed.

Anyway, thanks for reading my rant. If anyone has any constructive advice- that doesn't involve letting my child scream- I really am open for suggestions.

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